About Our Brand

Hi! My name is Mark Peck, I'm a 14 year old who has a love for animals. With this business I'm hoping to be able to put the profits towards my future university costs. My dream job is to open a veterinary clinic and help families who may have struggle paying their vet bills like my family used to. When I was younger we had a cat named "Spike". Spike lived a long time, eventually, He suffered medical issues. Spike began to stop eating, when my mom took him to the vet and was told the quote, she had to refuse care due to the costs. She proceeded to take him back home and stayed up all night feeding him ensuring he would live as long as possible. I don't believe that a family should have to be seperated due to costs of care. I aspire to attempt to end this and provide care no matter the persons income as I would hope someone would do the same if I were in their position. This is my third attempt at making a business, hopefully word of mouth gets this business around as I didn't have too much success on TikTok. I hope you enjoy shopping on my site and if you ever need to contact me for any reasons please don't hesitate to.